Saturday, September 28, 2013


Just finished watching Sherlock. Oh my god. I'm so happy and sad. I can't believe the ending. Oh MY god. Totally freaking out. I need to talk to people about this.

I love all the characters especially Sherlock Holmes, Dr. John Watson, Mrs. Hudson and Molly. The actors are amazing!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benedict Cumberbatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlck Holmes
Martin Freeman as Dr. John Watson
Una Stubbs as Mrs. Hudson
Rupert Graves as DI Lestrade
Louise Brealey as Molly Hooper

The plot is just so amazing it leaves you dumbstruck. And the 2nd season finale is fantastic and fabulous and omg I'm so sad. I don't know what to do. It's so complicated and hard to explain but it's basically a modern version of the original Sherlock Holmes part using Conan Doyle's detective plots and whatnot. It's basically amazing and everyone should watch it immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the promo for the first episode of the show.

I also watched the unaired pilot  which is just as good as the other one.

Basically WATCH THIS SHOW ITS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Orphan Black

So, I'm so into dystopian, excuse my spelling, and science fiction books and shows. And one day  I was bored and I was looking through blogs and this one blog was just saying that if you haven't watched Orphan Black that you should. i love British people and so this show was the perfect package. I started watching it and I was kinda surprised at how it turned out. 10 episodes a season that's true but they are so action packed and suspenseful that it leaves the watcher waiting for more and excited for the new season, which comes out next year. This review is long overdue but here it is.

I advise you guys not to read on before you watch Orphan Black's Season 1 Promo because then I won't be giving you any spoilers.

Spoilers ahead:

The show is about a British girl, Sara, who runs off to the US to get away from her abusive almost sadistic boyfriend, Vic. When she's on a train platform she sees a woman who starts taking off her shoes, putting down her bag and whatnot then she starts walking towards the tracks but before jumping she looks at Sara and they look so much alike almost as if they are twins then she jumps. Seeing this as an opportunity to finally get some money to run away and start her life with her daughter and foster brother Sara nicks her suicidal "twins'" bag then makes a run for it. She then finds out that the persons identity she has stolen is a detective and that she killed a civilian. Watch the show to find out how she deals with her new life.







The actors are very passionate about the shows and they love them and they're very technical about the way they act and it was nice to finally see someone who was so passionate about their work. The actors of the show are Tatiana Maslany, Dylan Bruce, Jordan Gavaris, Kevin Hanchard, Michael Mando, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Skyler Wexler, Inga Cadranel, Ron Lea, Evelyne Brochu, Kristian Bruun, Matt Frewer, Natalie Lisinska and Nicholas Rose.

I hope you guys decide to watch this show it's worth it.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Wayne's World and It's Awesomeness

Okay, so I know I'm like freaking 21 years late for this but still. This movie is freaking awesome. I mean, the catch phrases (shyeah, shwing etc.) are just awesome and I have been obsessing over it. God, I hate myself for being born in such a boring decade. Wayne's World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch it again.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

"No Offense"

I hate people who say "No Offense". Its one of the most ridiculous sayings ever. I mean people say "no offense" its just a freaking reason to say something offensive and they don't want you to react. They just want to you take it and not say anything, its stupid and I hate it. It pisses me off. If someone starts a sentence with "no offense" I just turn around and walk away, its a waste of my precious life and ears to listen to the rest of the sentence. So, if you are someone who says "no offense" stop it now!!! It's stupid and a waste of your breath.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Safety Not Guaranteed

Okay, I am currently watching "Safety Not Guaranteed" and its amazing. I mean it's pretty freaking awesome. So, I copied and pasted the plot from IMDb and here it is. This is the entire synopsis. It's the entire story and that's it.

"Darius Britt (Aubrey Plaza) is a disillusioned college graduate who lives at home with her widower father (Jeff Garlin) and interns at a Seattle magazine. One of the magazine's writers, Jeff Schwensen (Jake M. Johnson), proposes to investigate a newspaper classified ad that reads: " Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. I have only done this once before. Safety not guaranteed."

Jeff's story idea is approved by his boss, Bridget (Mary Lynn Rajskub). Jeff selects Darius and Arnau (Karan Soni), a studious Biology major interning at the magazine to diversify his resume, to assist him. They travel to the seaside community of Ocean View, Washington, to find and profile the person behind the ad. Jeff later reveals an ulterior motive for the assignment to track down a long-lost love interest who lives in the beach community. Darius discovers that the person behind the ad is Kenneth Calloway (Mark Duplass) who works as a stock clerk at a local grocery store. Jeff's attempt to contact Kenneth alienates him, so he orders Darius to make contact.

Darius's disaffected attitude serves her well, and she quickly endears herself to Kenneth as she poses as a candidate to accompany him on his mission. While Kenneth is paranoid and believes that "secret agents" are tracking his every move, Darius gains his trust as she participates in a series of training exercises in the woods around his house, and begins to develop feelings for him. She tells Kenneth about the death of her mother when she was young, and that her mission is to prevent it. Kenneth says his mission is to go back to 2001 and prevent the death of his old girlfriend Belinda who was killed when someone drove a car into her house.

Meanwhile, Jeff tracks down Liz (Jenica Bergere), his fling from his teenage years, and though she does not embody his fond youthful memories, they reconnect. He asks her to move to Seattle, but she believes that this is just another fling for Jeff, so she refuses. Upset by her rejection, Jeff takes Arnau out on the town and they pick up some comely young women. Jeff tells Arnau to not waste his youth and convinces him to spend the night with one of the young women.

The next morning, Jeff learns from Bridget, who has been following notes on the story, that Belinda (Kristen Bell) is still alive. Darius goes to interview her. Belinda says that she was only friends with Kenneth, and that Kenneth had driven into her then-boyfriend's house but no one was injured. After the interview, Darius is questioned by two government agents who have been following Kenneth and believe that he may be a spy because of his communications with government scientists.

Darius returns to Kenneth's house to confront him about Belinda. Kenneth claims that if Belinda is alive then his time travelling worked. Jeff then comes in to worn that the government agents are also on the property. Kenneth panics and runs into the woods. Darius follows him, and finds Kenneth and on a boat with his time machine. Darius apologizes for lying to Kenneth and tells him everything else they shared was real. Darius joins him on the boat. Kenneth tells Darius that the mission has changed, saying that now he wants to go back for her. As Jeff, Arnau, and the two government agents watch, Kenneth activates his time machine and the boat disappears."

I think that everyone should watch this movie. Its awesome. There are some amazing actors in it from my favourite tv shows so people should watch it.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Senor Chang and Changnesia

Basically I googled Senor Chang and these pictures came up and they're perfect. This is for you people with Changnesia. Let's stick together. These are some of them. Not all of them are of Senor Chang some of them are just from Community.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Okay, I just started watching Psych. Best detective show ever. I love it.

The plot is hilarious and I love when Shawn has a psychic episode. Ciao, girls.
 I also love Shules. They're bad ass together.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Stressing and Studying for Exams

Sorry, for not blogging for a long time. I just had a huge amount of stress and I think that from now on I'm gonna put a schedule on  when I'm going to post a blog. I'm going to post on Thursdays because I don't have any shows to watch on that day.

Any way today the topic is stress for exams and school. I don't know how you study but I study by waiting until the last minute to study. I usually study while listening to music or watching something because I can't do one thing alone I have to do at least two things. Like right now I'm watching a show while I'm blogging this. So, I usually create a study schedule which I barely follow.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Merlin is an amazing show and this is just how I'm gonna prove it. First things first I totally ship Merlin and Arthur. They're perfect for each other, right. I mean look at them. Cuties!!!

I always loved science-fiction and I always loved Merlin and Arthur stories but this one just made me feel awesome. I finished the whole show all 5 seasons and re-watched it again. The plot is amazing and the actors are amazing. I'm in love with many British actors and all of them are British. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!
Anyway some of the amazing actors are John Hurt as The Dragon, Colin Morgan as Merlin, Bradley James as Arthur, Richard Wilson as Gaius, Angel Coulby as Gwen, Katie McGrath as Morgana, Anthony Head as Uther Pendragon, Rupert Young as Sir Leon and Eoin Macken as Sir Gwaine.
The plot is amazing and I just wanted to add to that. First, Merlin and Arthur are so cute together. Second, I love the magic scenes and I don't mind the dramatic scenes since they're usually very short. Lastly the whole story is very interesting and keeps the audience happy and convinces them to carry on.
Thank god they stopped it at the 5th season because if they carried it on any longer it would probably have gone downhill. The ending of the show was perfection and sad. I cried a lot. The characters surprise you in the end.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Host and Beautiful Creatures

So, basically I read both the books and watched both the movies. I was so disappointed by the stories. Let's start with first talking about The Host then finishing it off with Beautiful Creatures.

I read The Host and it was quite a slow story a bit too long it could've been shortened in the beginning however I didn't stop reading the book I carried on reading even though I began to get discouraged and annoyed. It took me a long time to finish it, about a week or so. The movie seemed better though. It had Saiorse Ronan and that was all it took to get me excited about it. I love all Saiorse's movies and this story seemed to have the potential of being a good movie. When I watched I was so disappointed I wanted to cry from how bad it was. Another thing is the difference between the movie and the book. Some characters were completely missed out and important scenes were completely demolished.

I read Beautiful Creatures not long ago and the story was amazingly perfect. Then I watched the movie. I just couldn't take it no longer one of the most important characters was merged into another important character. Most of the story was changed for example the main characters birthday is changed. The main character breaks windows in a scene in the book and she's the only person who gets hurt but in the movie lots of people get hurt except her. She writes on the walls in sharpie but in the movie she makes it appear on the walls magically and no one can see it unless she shows them. In the books when the main character and her boyfriend kiss the guy has small heart attacks and electric shocks but in the movie there's no reaction. A character is an Incubus in the book but in the movie the person is a wizard. Bad characters are supposed to have gold eyes and good characters are supposed to have green in the book but of course in the movie nothing happens and the bad characters only have gold eyes when they want to. The characters look different. The order of the story is changed. Only the women of the family are claimed to the light or dark but in the movie it's only the females.

And with that I conclude this post by saying movie versions of books are usually worse than the book so read the book people then look at my blog to decide whether or not to watch the movie. This is my opinion on these two books and movies.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Great Gatsby, Greatest Book of All Time

I read The Great Gatsby a few weeks ago but still the story was always an afterthought in my mind. I think I finally figured out how to summarize the story into only one sentence. The story is basically Tom and Daisy's love story through the eyes of Daisy's  cousin and Gatsby's neighbor and  Gatsby, Myrtle and George are all collateral damage to their love story. I mean think about it carefully.
When I first began to read the book I fell in love with Gatsby and  Nick instantly. The story is just magnificent and I can't wait until the movie. I love basically all the cast. The book is amazing and if you're planning on watching the movie read the book first.
I loved Daisy and Gatsby's love story it was just amazing and I was shipping them so much until the middle of the book when her true gold digging, shallow, self-absorbed colors were revealed. What also really annoyed me about her was how she stringed Jay along for so long and he reinvented himself for her and made all of his life decisions thinking of ways to earn her approval and she just. Oh well I just hate her and some people argue and say that she was just thinking about her future and Gatsby wasn't fast enough at coming back to her. Is she kidding me?
Also another character I hate is Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. That little selfish jealous son of a gun. Not only did he know that Gatsby was innocent when he went and told George that Gatsby had not only an affair with his wife but also killed her. When Myrtle was his mistress and that his self-centered wife was the one who killed her. Tom just annoyed me from the very beginning because of him having a mistress which I find very wrong and also because he wanted to ruin Gatsby's life.
I just wrote a freaking essay on The Great Gatsby so if you read this and you didn't read sorry. And with that I conclude this post I hope you read the book/ agree with my opinions on the book.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Cougar Town

The sole purpose for me watching Cougar Town is because Abed mentioned watching it on Community. This might sound kind of psychotic but I'm in love with Abed. cool. cool. cool. If you didn't understand what I just said I must say that I am currently shaking my head thinking that anybody wouldn't understand what I just said. Anyway back to Cougar Town. So, I have no idea what people thought all the Friends stars were gonna do after it was cancelled (boo) but thank goodness most of them figured out what to do. Like Jennifer Anniston in Cougar TownHorrible Bosses and The Switch. David Schwimmer in all the Madagascar movies. Matthew Perry in 17 Again and The Good Wife. Matt LeBlanc in Joey and Charlie's Angels. Lisa Kudrow in Easy A and P.S. I Love You. Courtney Cox in Cougar Town. The show is amazing and it has lots of amazing actors I'm in love with and they are Courtney Cox as Jules Cobb, Christa Miller as Ellie Torres, Busy Philipps as Laurie Keller, Dan Byrd as Travis Cobb, Josh Hopkins as Grayson Ellis, Ian Gomez as Andy Torres, Brian Van Holt as Bobby Cobb and Bob Clendenin as Tom. The plot is actually quite funny and entertaining and surprisingly after 4 seasons I hope it will carry on like it is now which is hilarious and almost perfect. I can't believe it has carried on this long without being cancelled and I honestly am surprised.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

How I Met Your Mother

Okay, so, everyone who watches how I met your mother is probably in the same situation as me. It's been 8 seasons for god's sake can they just reveal who the mother is. They should change the title of the show to Ted and Friends Lives. I mean it annoys me so much that the show still hasn't shown us who the flipping mother is. I love all of the characters especially Barney. The other annoying mystery is how Barney always dismisses someone if they ask about his job. It annoys me so much. Honestly, why can't they just end the show before it turns into a show like Glee and Community which is getting worse every season. It still hasn't got bad for the show but I have a feeling that soon it will get worse. People who watch Community mightn't have noticed the change in Season 4 but the new writer of the show sucks. Some of the amazing actors on the show are Josh Radnor as Ted Mosby, Jason Segel as Marshall Eriksen, Cobie Smulders as Robin Scherbatsky, Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson, Alyson Hannigan as Lily Aldrin, Bob Saget as the Narrator, Lyndsy Fonseca as Daughter and David Henrie as Son. Well, if you haven't watched or heard of How I Met Your Mother you should watch it because it's worth it. Hopefully the show will end up as legendary on TV as Friends. Many people think that comedy shows aren't as good as different genres of TV like Science Fiction shows but I mean look at shows like The Big Bang Theory and Friends (yes I know I mentioned it before) which are a bit better than The Secret Circle and Heroes which have both been cancelled.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Juno, The Best Movie of All Time

Juno is about a 16 year old pregnant girl who is a junior in Minnesota the movie goes over the 4 seasons starting with Autumn. The dad is Bleeker her best friend. Basically, Juno decides to get an abortion though when she reaches the abortion clinic she runs into Su-Chin, an anti-abortion protestor, and while she tries to convince Juno not to abort the baby the only thing that convinces Juno to change her mind was that her baby might have fingernails by now. She then decides she wants to have the baby and give the baby up for abortion. I love this movie because of not only the plot but also the amazing soundtrack with Belle and Sebastian, Kimya Dawson, The Moldy Peaches, Antsy Pants and finally one song is sung by Ellen Page and Michael Cera. It is worth watching the movie. Now here are the amazing actors and characters in the movie. Some of the best and my favorite are Ellen Page as Juno MacGuff, Michael Cera as Paulie Bleeker, Jennifer Garner as Vanessa Loring, Alison Janney as Bren MacGuff and J.K. Simmons as Mac MacGuff. I can't add anything because I think you should watch the trailer and basically if you like any of these actors/actresses you should seriously consider watching the movie. Okay, welcome to my life of being a huge Juno fan who has watched it about 100000 times.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Parks and Recreation

Okay whoever hasn't even heard of Parks and Recreation should consider watching it if they watch 30 Rock or The Office because they are both sort of mockumentaries and they are all about life in office situations. Parks and Rec is really cool and they have amazing actors which you can check out. Some of them are Amy Poehler as the main character Leslie Knope, Rashida Jones as Leslie's best friend Ann Perkins, Aziz Ansari as Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza as April Ludgate, Chris Pratt as Andy Dwyer, Jim O'Heir as Jerry Gergich, Retta as Donna Meagle, Adam Scott as Ben Wyatt and Rob Lowe as Chris Traeger. The story is very interesting and it's about a group of people who work in the Parks and Recreation in Pawnee, Indiana. The characters are very amazing and the description of them are amazing. The plot is hilarious and all the actors are amazing and are perfect for the role. I really enjoy the show so much. My favorite characters are Leslie Knope, Ron Swanson and April Ludgate. So, I finally must add that Parks and Rec is amazing and I hope helped you decide to watch Parks and Recreation.

... Some information about this blog

I must also add that I won't swear in this blog even though I do regularly, I am doing this blog to practice my blogging and so I can broaden my imagination. I will also not use any abbreviations.

Vampire Weekend Facts and Why The Band Is Awesome

So basically I'm in love with Vampire Weekend. One of the best alternative rock/indie bands ever. I was first introduced to them by my older sister in the end of last year and unlike my other short term interests I am completely loyal to this band. Vampire Weekend basically explains why I like bands like Phoenix, The Neighborhood,  Foster the People, Belle and Sebastian and Kimya Dawson. Vampire Weekend have two albums Contra and Vampire Weekend and a new one is coming out on May 10th. I'm super excited. Two songs from their soon to come out album, Modern Vampires of the City, which are called Diane Young and Step. I added the links to their youtube videos. If you want to have an idea about what exactly alternative rock/indie music is then check them out. I honestly can't decide which song I like better. Vampire Weekend's songs have been on TV. I heard Giving Up The Gun in The Vampire Diaries. I love how this band's music is slowly changing and each song in their albums change.